Contacts | kontakty


The directory contains your company contacts, e.g. customers, suppliers, partners.

Contacts can be easily categorized using tags, the palette of which you can set yourself according to your preferences.

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Connection with 1CLICK modules

You can link each task, project, process or document in 1CLICK to a specific contact.

Authorised contact person

Authorized persons are users who see additional information for a contact beyond the normal directory entries. It is mainly a diary of contact and ongoing activities.

Contact diary

The log contains a timeline of records associated with the contact, such as. meetings, phone calls or emails.

Contact activities

The contact can see all tasks, emails, projects and processes that are ongoing or have taken place with the contact in the past.

Contact documents

For a contact, you can see the documents that are directly related to the contact in one place.

Contacts | pruhy leva 1920

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